
I’ve always been attracted to any music contamination. This is why I love playing different types of music in different projects!

For any drumming collaboration, please do not hesitate to contact me here!


Effetto Domino

Italian rock band genre: rock, hard-rock …[continue to reading]





Isole Minori

Isole Minori [“minor islands”] is an archipelago of four musicians and some friends. It is a project that has been going on for several years and that has gone through different stages, before landing on the actual form…[continue to reading]

Follow Isole Minori on Facebook: and visit the website:




from blues, to milonga; from swing to rock…
different languages for different music languages.

Exploring our music journey and follow us on Facebook:, on YouTube and support our project on Patreon 



Four Groove

are the 80s and 90s pop-funk cover band. They’re a good choice for your event in a big place or for your pub party!

Follow 4Groove on Facebook: